For Toyota RAV4 2019-2023 Car Accessories Red Trunk LED Tail Light Cover 1pcs

248,31 $



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For Toyota RAV4 2019-2023 Car Accessories Red Trunk LED Tail Light Cover 1pcs



 Fit For Toyota RAV4  2019  2020  2021  2022  2023

Item Description :
 Condition:100% Brand new

 Material: ABS+High-brightness LED

 Light Color: Red  
 inculde: 1PCS

Made in an ISO 9001 facility to ensure High quality.
Suggest a car technician construction to install.
 Waterproof: Yes
 Operating Temperature: -40~80°C
 Color Temperature Range: 6000K-6700K
Please connect the car power supply and test the lights to ensure that the steering light power supply is installed correctly. Thank you
Then install the fixed product. Thank you


Item Features:
OEM style with directly replacement.
Non-corrosive housing and hi-impact lens.
Quick and easy mounting without any modification.
Quartz halogen bulbs provide excellent light transmission.
Safety: LED DRL provides you with a decisive safety leap in road traffic and helps prevent 58% of accidents.
Durability: Professional housing design with heat sink at the back of the lamp ensures LEDs not over heated and have longer life span.
Waterproof: With reverse polarity protection and open circuit protection, 100% waterproof and shock resistant.

    1. Item will be dispatched within handling time after payment.

    2. Normally delivered time within 15~25 working days.

    3. This is for USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, EU, ASIAN Countries. For the other countries, it may take more time to arrive.

    1. Please contact us within 7 days of receiving the items if item is not as described.

    2. Please email us first to issue returns authorisation.

    3. Returned items must be in acceptable condition and without physical damage, except damaged in transit.

    4. The returned items will be inspected and if faulty, it will either be replaced where possible or a refund will be issued.

    5. If the replacement is not available, a refund of the purchase price will be issued.

    6. If a non-defective item is returned for refund, item must be returned in its original condition and packing.

    7. For our assistance with regards to warranty and returns please contact us, and we are glad to give you help.

    1. Please message us through eBay if you have any questions.

    2. All Emails and messages will be replied to ASAP during 24 hours.

    3. If you have any quality problems or you are not pleased with the purchase, please contact us through Email.

    4. We will be happy to assist you if any item needs to be returned or replaced.

    1. We appreciate your Positive Feedback and we will leave positive feedback immediately for you after sending your order.

    2. We would appreciate if you would leave us positive feedback once you confirmed the item is received and in good working order.

    3. If you are unhappy with our products or services, please contact us before leaving a neutral or negative feedback. We will try our utmost to resolve the issue to our mutual satisfaction.

    4. It would be much appreciated if you can award us with "FIVE STARS" for "Detailed Seller Ratings".

    5. On the other hand, if you feel that we do not achieve that level of performance, please feel free to contact us as well.


1. Item will be dispatched within handling time after payment.

2. Normally delivered time within 15~25 working days.

3. This is for USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, EU, ASIAN Countries. For the other countries, it may take more time to arrive.


1. Please contact us within 7 days of receiving the items if item is not as described.

2. Please email us first to issue returns authorisation.

3. Returned items must be in acceptable condition and without physical damage, except damaged in transit.

4. The returned items will be inspected and if faulty, it will either be replaced where possible or a refund will be issued.

5. If the replacement is not available, a refund of the purchase price will be issued.

6. If a non-defective item is returned for refund, item must be returned in its original condition and packing.

7. For our assistance with regards to warranty and returns please contact us, and we are glad to give you help.

Contact Us

1. Please message us through eBay if you have any questions.

2. All Emails and messages will be replied to ASAP during 24 hours.

3. If you have any quality problems or you are not pleased with the purchase, please contact us through Email.

4. We will be happy to assist you if any item needs to be returned or replaced.

1. We appreciate your Positive Feedback and we will leave positive feedback immediately for you after sending your order.

2. We would appreciate if you would leave us positive feedback once you confirmed the item is received and in good working order.

3. If you are unhappy with our products or services, please contact us before leaving a neutral or negative feedback. We will try our utmost to resolve the issue to our mutual satisfaction.

4. It would be much appreciated if you can award us with "FIVE STARS" for "Detailed Seller Ratings".

5. On the other hand, if you feel that we do not achieve that level of performance, please feel free to contact us as well.

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100% Genuine
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